Illuminated Manuscripts
The book projects were first termed Illuminated Manuscripts by a mentor at the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology. The name indicates both the historical antecedents of texts accompanied by illuminations, and the fact that the books were designed to be read illuminated by the light of an electronic screen.
The name likewise refers to the category of Medieval and Renaissance books brilliantly “illuminated” through the use of gold or silver leaf. These the ancient works were intended to “enlighten” the reader, and used a combination of the written word and imagery.
During her studies at the Dominican School, Sandra came to recognize that some writings of even the greatest philosophers are overlooked because they have in one way or another become inaccessible to the general reader. The Illuminated Manuscripts projects were intended to re-present some ancient texts online, and in this way to make them more accessible.

LOVE'S EVANGELIST, Exhibition Catalog
Love’s Evangelist, a collection of thirteen broadsheets, was also the name given to a solo exhibition of the same work. The inspiration for this project was the correspondence of Catherine of Siena. Catherine’s letters reached kings, political figures, clergy, as well as tradesmen. Her message consistently conveyed her belief in the power of love.
The broadsheets are organized around the center column of text, rendered in modern Italian. The translation into English occupies the far left column. The right column of text presents Sandra’s musings on the connection between the images and Catherine’s writing. The heading is written as an imperative to the reader, and follows the style of Catherine’s writing.
The exhibit consisted of twelve broadsheets and several large photographic images.
To view the catalog, Love’s Evangelist, on Sandra’s Blurb bookstore, click here.
To view a video interview with Sandra about the exhibition, click here.

A PORTABLE SANCTUARY: Meditations Inspired by the Writings of Catherine of Siena
A Portable Sanctuary is a book of meditations intended for personal devotion. The book contains brief written passages illuminated with photographs.
The texts are taken from two sources, Catherine of Siena’s letters, and her mystical prayers.
The illuminations are original photographs shot on location in Pisa, Siena, Florence, and Rome.
To view A Portable Sanctuary on Sandra’s Blurb bookstore, click here.

This Illuminated Manuscript re-presents Bonaventure of Bagnoregio's spiritual guide to mystical union with God. In this work Bonaventure describes seven steps the "desiring soul" should follow to achieve the highest state of mystical contemplation. Journey of the Soul into God is considered a masterpiece of Medieval philosophy.
To view Journey of the Soul into God on Sandra’s Blurb bookstore, click here.

CONVERSATIONS & LETTERS: Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection
This short book contains a translation from the French of four conversations between Brother Lawrence and his spiritual mentor. In the Conversations, Brother Lawrence discusses his prayer life, and how he opens his heart to the presence of God in everyday circumstances.
Conversations & Letters also includes most of the known letters from Brother Lawrence. His words are simple, and full of profound wisdom.
To view Conversation & Letters of Brother Lawrence on Sandra’s Blurb bookstore, click here.

flora is a selection of photographic images created over many years. The images are carefully composed renderings of plant material from different corners of North America. Each image conveys my deep love for the intense beauty of our natural world.
To view flora in Sandra’s Blurb Bookstore, click here.